Can high cholesterol cause headaches?

Can high cholesterol cause headaches?

Lets dive deep. Its annoying, for you physically, but also mentally. They interrupt your day and they can prevent you from focusing or sometimes even functioning. But, what if they are indicative of something bigger e.g., your cholesterol levels? Cholesterol…

Dr Oz Diabetes: Cure and Treatments Guide

Dr Oz Diabetes

Dr Oz diabetes cure and treatment guide –Control blood sugar level in the body with Dr Oz As a well known heart doctor, television star doctor who is often seen offering so many tips on how to normalize this disease.…

Can i Drink Diet Soda While Fasting?

diet soda while fasting

Diet soda while fasting: This question is raised in all fasting forums, “Can I drink Diet Coke while I’m fasting? I went through this myself, and consulted diet experts to get you the answers. So keep reading closely as we…